Thursday, December 28, 2006

Ted Dekker's Thr3e in Theaters January 5th

As many of you know I'm a big fan of the Christian fiction writer, Ted Dekker, and I was excited to find out that his critically acclaimed book, Thr3e, will be coming to the big screen in January of 2007. I'm equally excited about the fact that the producer of the X Men movie has done this movie. You can see the trailer and visit the official movie website at: .

Ted had the following to say on his blog article entitled, They're going to crucify us this year, "In 2007 three of my stories will rock the boat with increasing intensity. The first will be the movie Thr3e on January 5th, which is a first of its kind: A movie adaptation of a Gold Medallion 'Christian' novel that doesn't look at all 'Christian' on the big screen. It's a parable, and, like many of the parables Jesus himself used, it doesn't dwell on the church or God. Just a story to illustrate a desperately needed truth. Like many in his day, many in today's church will cry foul.The movie is clean, no offensive language, no sex, rated PG 13 for some frightful scenes. Already the Christian community is divided on the movie. They all love the story, but some are put off by the lack of an invitation to rush the alters at the end. One major Baptist magazine gave it high marks, another one trashed it for not being Christian or clear enough. The reviewer didn't even get the point. Reminds me of the disciples 2000 years ago. "

I wrote a review of Thr3e at: .

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Furtak's Advent Wreath Tradition

Over the years the Furtak Family has taken Sunday afternoon/evening as a time to get together for family fun and worship. There are no rules but to have fun learning about the Lord and growing as a family. A few years ago, as Jason was thinking about ways to celebrate the Christmas season, Jason decided to start an Advent Wreath tradition which would be celebrated during the regular family fun night in December. Jason enjoyed this tradition when he was a part of the Methodist church and missed it when participating in the Calvary and Baptist congregations.

When trying to create a new tradition for the family to participate in, it was important for Jason to learn from the existing tradition while at the same time creating a tradition that was distinctly Furtak. Jason was comforted to know that this tradition, although distinctly Lutheran, started in homes and so the fact that the Furtak's would be celebrating at home was an interesting correlation.

Jason used the description of the Advent Wreath from Ken Collins as a general guideline for how he would be making the Furtak Family Advent Wreath. Here's the general tradition and guidelines for how the Furtak's have done the wreath. It's important to note that each year the tradition grows with new aspects and new additions or changes to what was done in years previous.

General Furtak Guidelines for the Tradition (many of these are deviations from the Lutheran/Christian Church tradition):

  • Any colored candles can be used. This year the Furtak's wanted to use 5 different colors. The Furtak's have reserved a white candle to represent the Christ child candle.
  • One candle is lit per Sunday and on Christmas eve the Christ candle is lit. Each week the candle from the previous week(s) is lit in addition to the new candle.
  • Candles are placed in candle stands either on or in the wreath.
  • The Furtak's have decided that the manager scene is to be included with the wreath which has been a tradition since they started doing so.
  • Each candle represents a seasonal word. Traditionally they have been peace, hope, love and joy but the Furtak family is open to change in the coming years if they feel the season warrants it.
  • Each seasonal word is supported by a Bible verse. The verse will be chosen each year and the Furtak's will avoid selecting verses to be carried year after year as a tradition although they recognize that some versus maybe repeated or even enjoyed each year. As the kids get older each kid will select a verse for us to use each Sunday to represent the seasonal word.
  • After the candle is lit, a prayer is done to celebrate the time together.

Some things that were done this year and may or may not be done in the future:

  • This year the Furtak's, through their church, adopted two officers to pray for. The officers cards were included with the wreath so that the family remembered to pray for them each time they got together. The Furtak's will add this to their tradition and each year someone will be prayed for during this time.
  • The Furtak's also placed the advent wreath on the dining table as a reminder of the season throughout the week.
  • Candles, seasonal words and verses for this year: Hope :Maroon: Romans 5:5; Love: Red: 1 Corinthians 13; Peace: Purple: Luke 2:14; Joy; Green: Luke 2:9-11; Christ Child Candle: White: John 1:1-14;
  • This year we ate Candy Canes during our time. This started because Jason bought candy canes to hang on the tree but rather than hanging them on the tree Jason decided to have them at the candle lighting wreath time.
  • In addition to reading the Bible verse Jason also added other activities. When Jason brought out the candy canes he also pulled out a children's book that he bought this season called, "J is for Jesus: The Sweetest Story Ever Told". We ate the candy canes and read the story. On other days we also built a manager scene, read a story about a Christmas' Tree journey from the forest to the home and added window stickers of a manager scene to our window. We like this tradition and plan on adding similar activities in the years to come.
  • Finally, we used another candle for each child to light the candles each week. Since we have four children they each got to light a candle.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Furtak Elves and other Holiday Fun!

Ok, this is to funny. Each one of the Furtak's are now officially Elfs:

Visit our Elf Links:
Jason Elf
Debra Elf
Alexis Elf
Madisynne Elf
Gabrielle Elf
Joshua elf

Elf Yourself at:

Here's a list of other fine movies, games and activities from OfficeMax (did you know that Jason is a former employee of OfficeMax):

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

NORAD Tracks Santa

For several years now the Furtak family has tracked Santa's movement on Christmas eve day and night. We get assistance from the North American Aerospace Defense (NORAD) which provides complete and accurate details of where Santa is located along with a Video for each sighting throughout the day. The NORAD Tracks Santa website is the main portal for this activity and other information concerning Santa and his yearly deliveries. At this time on the website you can see a count down clock of when Santa leaves the North Pole.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Trailer Park Snow Story - [A Furtak Family Winter Adventure]

[Note: Any references to known stereo-types are not purposeful and every attempt has been made to recount the facts of the story without stereo-typical references.]

One evening after Jason returns from work, the Furtak family decides to adventure out to go assist Santa with a certain limited supply toy at Walmart. It had begun to snow but the Furtak's thought nothing of the light snow fall since they were informed that this area of Washington rarely gets snow. By the time the disappointment of not finding the toy wears off and the Furtak family heads out to the car, it is plain to see that a small blizzard had set in. So bad so, it was difficult to sweep the snow from the car fast enough to be effective.

The Furtak's manage to get the snow cleared and headed down the road. As they approached the first hill of the typical route home it was clear that the area that the Furtak's lived in called, "The Highlands", was going to take on a new meaning. What is a typically easy route for a V-8 Grand Marquis is now a giant parent sized slip and slide made of ice. Jason made an attempt to climb the hill but quickly found out that power behind rear wheel drive means more than nothing in these conditions. Somehow Jason slipped and slid his way back down the hill and suggested to Debra a different route.

With several different routes home the Furtak's headed for the route less traveled. The route was nice because it winded it's way up the Highlands slowly and made the grade that much easier to traverse in this weather. It would also put them closer home if they had to abandon the car on the road side. There was only one major hill to conquer in this route but if the Furtak's could crest this hill they would be home free.

Luck was on their side with the route recently plowed but luck would run out as they reached the hill of hope. Jason sped up and got a good start up the hill, but as the way of Murphy would have it, Jason got behind a truck which lost grip on the road just short of the top of the hill. Jason was forced to stop and any attempts to start again was only met with slippage. One ounce of hope was the fact that a few cars were passing into the on coming lane of the two lane road and making it past us, past the disabled truck and past the crest of the hill. Jason backed down to the bottom of the hill and backed out far enough to get a good running start.

Before getting started Jason hashed out the plan with Debra. Jason would get a running start while at the same time watching diligently for the lights of on-coming traffic from the other side of the hill. He would then speed up the hill until just before the broken down truck, pass into the oncoming traffic lane and then speed over the hill. Jason sat in place for a bit to watch the flow of traffic and any patterns he could notice. At that moment, Debra pointed out the residence of the mobile home park at the bottom of the hill had brought out their lawn chairs, their portable grills and various hot beverages (some in shiny cans) to watch the cars going up the hill. This was a bit entertaining but Jason quickly got back to the concentration of getting the family safely up the hill. Jason drummed up the courage, found an opportunity and applied heavily on the gas and began the charge up the hill. At the same time, Joshua wanted to see the snow for some reason and let the window down in the back seat. Debra said to Jason, "Do you hear that?" Jason deep in concentration made an annoying glance over to Debra and said, "No honey, what are you talking about?" Debra said, "The residence from the mobile home park are cheering for us. I heard them say, 'They're going for it again!' and then they began chanting, 'go... go... go... go... woohoo!'" Sure enough, Jason could hear them and got the extra courage needed to swing over into the oncoming lane and make it over the hill.

It wasn't long after that the Furtak family found themselves snuggled in front of the fireplace, sipping hot cocoa in honor of their of their new found fans and watching in fascination of the news reports of the record snow fall. This was sure to be an adventure that the Furtak family would never forget.

Monday, December 11, 2006

More Crazy Christmas Lights... (lots more)

Ok, so I got feed back from some of you stating that the Crazy Christmas Ligts blog entry I posted was of a video that was old and played out. In an effort to redeem myself I trolled the webosphere and found some more for your viewing pleasure. I apologize if you've seen these before. (Note: it's recommended to pause the video until the whole stream is download. It would also be recommended to play only one video at a time).

Techno Jingle Bells

I have run a lot of videos on the web for syncrhonized light displays and one of the elements I enjoy seeing in a good display is lots of energy. This is a good start show casing the best of the web's Christmas light shows.

Holiday Light Show - Miller's Milwaukee Headquarters

I have to say that although the music isn't original for this type of light display the fireworks were a great added touch.

2006 Christmas Lights - Mad Russians Christmas

This one is not bad with lots of energy.

Marshalltown, Iowa Jammin' Christmas Lights

This one claims that it was seen on "CNN, KCCI, KGGO, Times Republican ... (more)" . It's definately a worthy candidate.

Mister Santa Synchronized Lights

I've run into a few spoofs on popular Christmas songs and due to objectionable content I reserved the right not to play them here but this one is safe for the general audiences. It's a spoof on Mr. Sandman with a Christmas theme sung by none other than Amy Grant.

Christmas Lights - Carol of the Bells

Anytime you put Christmas music to Trans-Siberian Orchestra you're bound to come up with a display with lots of energy but I have to say that I was a bit disappointed in this one. The display just didn't match the energy of the song. You be the judge.

TSO Wish Listz
The following synchronized light display proves that you don't need tons of lights to put on a good display.

Christmas Lights Overture
This was a nice use of random colors.

I couldn't find a title for this

I thought I would end the same way I started. I didn't want to get you distracted at the start of this blog entry but the first video author had several more videos on record that I thought I would share. I think they're all worth the download time. Equally interesting is the time at night that these were recorded. He must have nice neighbors. Rather than posting them all here I've provided the following links:

- Come Let Us Adore Him
- Joy to the World
- Hark The Herald
- Queen Of The Winter Night
- Elvis Blue Christmas
- Deck the Halls
- Come Let Us Adore Him

If these weren't enough and I've somehow published "old" favorites here's a few more:

- Amy Grant's breath of heaven
- Just in Case you haven't gotten enough of this song: Transsiberian Orchestra's Wizards in Winter
- Los Peces en el Rio
- This is to funny: THX Movie Sound Intro
- Christmas Cannon
- Deck the Halls
- Come Let Us Adore Him

Friday, December 08, 2006

Crazy Christmas Lights...

I wanted to show you all how we're setting up our lights this year. We're basically modeling ourselves off of the below example. I have to say that this is a good start but I definately see areas of improvement.

[Click the below image to start]

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Amazing Spider-Baby...

Ok, I've seen Joshua do some crazy stuff but this is, well, simply amazing.

[Click to View]

Monday, December 04, 2006

Furtak.Net Movie Tradition - Ornaments

Playing the Christmas movie, "Ornaments", has been a yearly family tradition since we discovered it in 2002. I've been playing it yearly on for a few years now. Once again we've posted Ornaments on for all to see.

Using a single homemade PC and 3D Studio MAX, Aaron Erimez created Ornaments in about 11 months. After spending most of his savings on the hardware and software, he devoted his free time between college semesters and after work to modeling, animating, rendering and editing. He's now unveiling the finished product at festivals worldwide.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Blast from the Past: Furtak.Net Christmas 2003

I have recently thought about digging up some of my old website designs and displaying them on as a way to showcase the way the site has evolved over the years. I ran into this page by luck which fits the theme of the Christmas season. I hope you enjoy a look back to the front page of Furtak.Net as seen from the Christmas season in 2003.

Furtak.Net - Christmas 2003

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Feel Good Story: Autistic Basketball Superstar

Every now and then I run into something on the web that's truly a feel good story. There's so much junk on the news its good to see something like this to help sanitize the airways.


Friday, December 01, 2006

Wii Elbo?

Last week I asked my father to check into the Wii (pronounced 'we') videos which I think are a hoot to watch. During his research to find the videos he said that he saw a sub-heading for something called 'Wii elbow'. I thought this was a joke and sought out some articles to substantiate. Sure enough I found a few which I still think iS quite funny.
